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Personal contact with the patient
This with the approval and cooperation of the patient and taking into account personal privacy, you will receive information about the disease or complication and recovery period, photos and video of the hospital admission and a personal thank you letter.
Mark your recovery
We will send you a confirmation that your promise has been received so that you know your gift is going where you wanted it.
For more information, please contact our fundraising team, who is happy to provide all the advice and support you need.
Circle of Love
The children of the Adesso school in Kumi Ongino playing the game "Circle of Love".

Honour a loved one
Making a donation that helps Kumi Hospital Uganda to continue its pioneering research and improve patient care is a wonderful way of honouring a lost loved one. There are many ways to pay tribute to someone close to you. You can ask friends and family to donate to KH instead of sending flowers. Funeral directors can arrange this, or you can send donations directly to us. Online tribute fund
Thanks to our generous supporters we have been able to:
· Support the pioneering volunteer program of Kumi Hospital that enables patients to benefit from the services provided by many volunteers each year.
· Purchase advanced technology to help surgeons work more accurately, including a surgical microscope that increases patient success rates.
· Support research into treatments for Gluteo Fibrosis, making a difference to over 3,000 patients.
· Enable the children's liver laboratories, the Kumi Labs, to purchase some of the most advanced equipment available to support their research.
please contact our fundraising team by mail
Circle of Love
In the picture we see the children of the Adesso school in Kumi Ongino, NorthEast of Uganda. The children are coming from the tribe Ateso and play the game "Circle of Love".
The game symbolises the coherence in the world. Through the game, the hearts of men will be open and connectedness created. Each person has finally union with love and sharing.
For the world it is vital that we realise how important this symbolic Circle of Love is. The children of the tribe Ateso play with round shapes as a starting point and a circle in which the connection is expressed. They play the game by sitting in a circle where they all are connected through their feet. Each child must in turn call a round object like the sun (Akolong), the moon (ELAP), the ball (Emopira), the wheel (Alele), watermelon (Ekolit) and then continues with a fictitious name of something round as the equator, the moon orbits the earth or the earth orbits the sun. If players fail a circular example, they are "finished". Ultimately there is only one player and legend will reward the player for a long and happy life.